Our Videos

The Possibility of a New Life

The Possibility of a New Life

The Possibilityof a New LifeIt started with a happy hour. Josh Fiedler picked up Liz to bring her to an after-work ...

Liz Fiedler

A Timely Change of Heart

A Timely Change of Heart

Dorsey Hoskins’ father, Bryan, felt a tingling in his arm. The diagnosis—an inoperable brain tumor. Six months later, he died at the age of 33, leaving his wife to raise Dorsey and her sister Hattie. Fortunately, Bryan bought life insurance when he married, and again when his daughters were born.

The Hoskins Family

A Little-Known Financial Lifesaver

A Little-Known Financial Lifesaver

At 27, Mike was living two of his dreams: training to participate in his first marathon and working at a nonprofit organization. Suddenly, both of those dreams came crashing down as he crossed the street one night, and a drunk driver hit him after running a red light. Thankfully, the disability insurance he had at the time of his accident a decade ago continues to help him today.

Mike Sizemore

Making the Transition

Making the Transition

Jeanie and Tom had an idyllic life: a strong marriage and two children. But when Tom was tragically killed in a snowmobiling accident at just 45, the world collapsed for Jeanie and the kids. Grief overwhelmed them, but thanks to Tom’s life insurance, financial tragedy did not. It paid for the funeral and the family’s bills and expenses. And it set them up for the future so they could continue living in their home, and plan for college and retirement. Life insurance did everything Tom had planned for it to do.

Jeanie Kazemier

El ABC de los seguros de vida

El ABC de los seguros de vida

¿Te has preguntado cómo se las arreglarían económicamente tus seres queridos si algo te llegara a pasar? Ve este video para conocer el ABC de los seguros de vida y lo importante que son para proteger a tus seres queridos.
It’s a True Financial Lifeline

It’s a True Financial Lifeline

For Sara Mathews Dixon, life insurance has meant she and her three children don't have to worry financially while grappling with the sudden loss of their husband and father from a heart arrhythmia.

Sara Mathews Dixon

In Good Times and Bad

In Good Times and Bad

Asia Schroeder first experienced the power of life insurance when her first husband, Peter, died in the line of duty. Later, she experienced living benefits when her family used the cash value to fund their gym. Throughout her lifetime, life insurance has provided her family with financial support.

Cory and Asia Schroeder

Dream On

Dream On

Life insurance provides for your loved ones and empowers their dreams. Dream on.
Life Insurance 101

Life Insurance 101

Have you ever wondered how your loved ones would manage financially if something happened to you? Watch this video to learn the basics of life insurance and how important it is for protecting your loved ones. Next, calculate your life insurance needs and find coverage. Remember, the best time to get life insurance is right now.
A Life Changed, a Lifestyle Remains

A Life Changed, a Lifestyle Remains

Scott Rider's healthy life changed when he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s at just 47. The cognitive and physical limitations caused by the disease meant he had to give up the profession he loved. Fortunately, he purchased disability insurance when he was just starting out and increased it as his salary grew, which enabled him and his family to maintain the lifestyle they’ve always known.

Scott Rider

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