Life Insurance Needs Calculator

Answer a few simple questions to estimate the amount of life insurance coverage you need to take care of your family.

This is an estimate only. For a complete assessment, contact a financial professional.

Question 1 of 7
How much annual income would you like to provide, if you were no longer here?

Think about how much money your family will need to cover daily living expenses. This is typically 60-80% of your individual post-tax income. Don’t include college savings, childcare or any debts that you would like to pay off immediately (such as your mortgage), since those are covered in other questions.

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Based on the information you provided your estimated life insurance need is: $ How this was calculated: Income replacement $ Debt to pay off $ Childcare $ College fund $ Emergency fund $ Burial cost $ Current insurance $ Now that you have an idea of your life insurance need, take the next step and get the coverage you need. Visit for more information on finding a financial professional or company to work with.

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