Brooke Shields - 2020 LIAM Spokesperson

Brooke Shields Has an Important Message for Life Insurance Awareness Month


July 28, 2020


Brooke Shields is an actress, model, fashion designer, wife and mom. And now she can add life insurance advocate to that impressive list.

The multi-hyphenate is the 2020 national spokesperson for Life Insurance Awareness Month (LIAM), a national awareness campaign that nonprofit Life Happens created in 2004 and coordinates each year to remind people about the importance of having life insurance and helping them get the coverage they need.

The role is a natural fit for Brooke. Whether it’s freely sharing the details of her diet and exercise regime or expounding on the importance of sunscreen (while posing makeup-free!) in the pages of People magazine, Brooke has been forthcoming about the importance of a healthy lifestyle throughout her career. And that includes stressing the importance of financial health. As she explains in the video above, life insurance plays a vital role in creating a sound financial plan.

What You Need for the New Normal

In the clip, Brooke acknowledges that our new normal has underscored the need for life insurance like never before. She’s spot on when she says the one constant during these changing times is the importance of family—and the need to protect them.

We’ve all seen how the unexpected can upend things at any time. And that’s made the need for life insurance all the more obvious. That’s why this year’s LIAM theme is “Reality Check: The time for life insurance is now.”

Life insurance is one of the best (and most affordable) ways to ensure your loved ones remain on firm financial ground if you and your earnings were no longer in the picture.

Stay tuned on social media as Brooke unveils more messages in the lead up to LIAM this September. In the meantime, check out our life insurance educational content, advice on how to get life insurance coverage and our Life Insurance Needs Calculator.

If you are a life insurance advocate, agent or advisor, please be sure to check out our resources to spread the word widely. Go to

<a href="" target="_self">Amanda Austin</a>

Amanda Austin

Amanda Austin is a freelance writer who has worked in the insurance industry. She lives in Erie, Penn., and holds the CPCU, AINS, and AIS designations.

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