The New American Milestones

We uncovered new data that shows Americans are delaying traditional life milestones and following alternative paths in favor of financial security.

February 2020

For more information on this study, view our press release.

Key findings

  • 61% agree that traditional life milestones are no longer important.
  • Top delayed life milestones include saving for retirement (54%), getting married (53%), and having children (50%).
  • Of those who’ve delayed a traditional life milestone, 74% have reported being more financially stable as a result.
  • 36% are delaying life milestones in favor of financial security as the most important milestone to achieve.
  • 72% say financial security is an important act of love.
61% of Americansagree that traditionalmilestones are no longer important
Top 5 Delayed Life Milestones

Motives behind modern milestones

The change in life priorities is tied to emotion, with about half of those surveyed (48%) saying they have personal insecurities — from financial to where they are in their careers — that have put the brakes on reaching certain milestones. While Americans are delaying key life milestones, it doesn’t mean they’re not worried about the repercussions. In fact, 77% of those surveyed say they are concerned about putting off certain life milestones.

For the love of money

Following a nontraditional life path has not changed what matters when it comes to relationships with our loved ones. A whopping 72% say financial security is an important act of love — with men more likely to agree that financial security is a genuine act of love compared with women — 80% vs. 64%.

72% of Americanssay financial security isan importantact of love
couple laughing on beach

Financial security for loved ones is a necessity

“While traditional milestones are no longer making or breaking what’s important in life, financial security for you and your loved ones is a necessity,” said Faisa Stafford, President and CEO, Life Happens. “We’re reminding consumers of the value of life insurance – not for you, but the ones you love; a critical tool to financially protect your loved ones, whatever happens in life and no matter what life path you choose.”

We’re committed to educating Americans about life insurance

At Life Happens, we created and coordinate the Insure Your Love campaign every year to motivate people to purchase life insurance to protect their loved ones financially. To take action for your loved ones, we have a free Life Insurance Needs Calculator to help evaluate your own life insurance needs.

Discover more

For more information on this study and its methodology, view our press release.


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Life Happens
61% of Americansagree that traditionalmilestones are no longer important
Top 5 Delayed Life Milestones
72% of Americanssay financial security isan importantact of love
couple laughing on beach